How to avoid wedding planning fatigue

There is a lot that goes into planning a wedding and the process can be mentally and emotionally draining, but don’t forget it should be enjoyable. This is a time when lasting memories are made – engagement celebrations, bridal luncheons – and one of the few times you’ll have everyone you care about in one room. So when you start to feel like you are losing control of the process and overwhelmed, use some of these ideas as a guide and find something that works to combat the fatigue.

1.  Take a Break!

If you’re feeling stressed, walk away from planning for a minute (ok, maybe a month is more realistic) depending on how much time you have until your wedding). I encourage taking a break, everyone will thank you and you’ll be excited to discuss all the details again!

2.  Set Designated “Wedding Talk” Time

I’m guessing there are many interests and hobbies that brought you together and they have contributed in your decision to get married. But now that you are planning, it might feel like all you talk about is the wedding and it feels more  like a chore than anything else . The wedding is important, but recognize you have other things in your life that need attention. It’s okay to put them first sometimes. Schedule specific times to talk about the wedding and allow yourself to go do something as a couple that has nothing to do with the wedding!

3.  Enlist Help!

Hire a planner (you knew that was coming). It really is one of the best investments when planning a wedding. Rely on their expertise to guide you and help make decisions.

4.  Meditate/self care

It may not be for everyone, but apps like “Calm” and “OMG I Can Meditate” offer timed meditation practices that can help you decompress quickly. The practice of meditation can help lower your blood pressure, lift your mood and change your mindset.

If meditation isn’t your thing, make an appointment for your favorite spa treatment. There is always time for a relaxing massage or facial.

5.  Try Something New

Have you always thought about taking up tennis, horseback riding or maybe painting? It may seem strange to pick up a new hobby while planning a wedding but doing something out of your comfort zone could be just what you need to recharge. Your energy will be focused elsewhere and you can continue to enjoy the activity after the wedding.

There are many ways to combat planning fatigue. The key is finding something that works for you. If you have things that work for you, please share! Happy planning.

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